I always walk by street vendors and think that they would be perfect subjects for some shots.
Unfortunately, I don't have the courage to go up to them and take their photo. Is it proper
etiquette to ask permission? Either way it seems a little awkward, especially since I have no idea how to say that in Korean.
Yesterday I grabbed these two opportunities to take photos of vendors. In both cases they had no idea I was photographing, so I felt OK doing it. Does that make it better?? Or am I just now a creepy photographer who sneaks up on strangers??

This is the fruit vendor near my house. I've always meant to buy something, but I hardly ever buy fruit, and when I do it's usually at the supermarket. Work seems to get stocked on fruit occasionally, so that's where I got my fruit fix. This photo was shot at about 6:00 in the evening. I wasn't sure whether or not to lighten this photo because it makes it a bit grainy. But, once I lightened it, you could see the writing on the boxes and the shine from the sewer cap, which I think makes it a little more interesting.

Here are some snack vendors in
Myeongdong. They were so busy that they didn't even notice me right in front of them snapping this photo. I like this photo because this sort of cart is so common here, especially at this time of year.
especially roasted chestnuts are so popular with the Koreans. I tried my first
chestnut a few weeks ago. I wasn't that impressed.