Sunday, August 2, 2009

Architecture of Bali

Bali's unique architecture style struck me immediately. Compared to all the other places I've been, this style really stands out in the mind. I took these photos while passing by temples and homes. Seeing as how most Balinese are Hindus, their style is strikingly different than Korea, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, and even Vietnam, which are traditionally Buddhist countries and are all heavily influenced by Chinese architecture style.

If you haven't noticed, I was trying lots of different angles while shooting on this trip. I'm so tired of my boring photos where everything is taken straight on. There's no character. Let me know if I succeeded in taking more interesting shots this time around... If they are too dizzying, let me know too for next time...

Statues of Bali

I was so fascinated by the stonework in Bali. Every restaurant, temple and even nicer homes had many beautiful statues. They often put their daily offering and incense on or around the statues, as you'll see. Most people in Bali practice Hinduism, unlike the rest of Indonesia which practices Islam. It was so amazing to see a different culture. I'm so accustomed to the Buddhist style that I've seen in every other country I've been to here... it was so refreshing to see something new.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bali Dance

I just returned to Seoul a few hours ago from Bali, and I have a lot of things I want to post, but I thought first I'd share some beautiful photos I took while watching a performance of Balinese dance on Friday night. All I have to say is that I love the zoom on my camera for letting me get such close up shots...